Thursday, 18 June 2009

Upwards it begins.........

My other beautiful baby Jazz cat. What will I do when she leaves to lay purring at gods feet ? Bless her in all ways she has been my friend and companion since we first got her in our lives.

Well teaching it seems has been the way forward now coupled with draatic shifts in the education to change the direction of my future career (Inclusive of a new element of politics and direct involvement at first local and then national level).

One may say I have changed the entire shape of my earliest plans and one would be very correct.

Currently the teaching I deliver is fantastic why I never went down this path before is now beyond me I excel at what I do, sickeningly though that would be to most people.

anyway I will update more info when I have more time.

My update for my cat is simple, very little time left for her. Currently though as comfortable as can be and I hope for a little while she maintains that level.

Onwards and sadly too often tinged with tears upwards.................

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