Saturday 15 March 2008

Rundblicks Result thank god

St George and the dragon, symbolic perhaps of the struggle of the Great British people against the tide of *vomit* socialist governance across Europe and in our own land which has inevitably lead to so much destruction of all that is unique and thus great in Britain

But like St George......................we will surmount and diminish our enemy, it begins next local election time....and it will not cease till all sycophantic spineless appeasing left wing dirt bags are removed from all walks of power

onwards to victory my brave Britons

Yes I feel despite the increasing difficulty surrounding the Maths, that I am still constant in my German, thus my latest Rundblicks result is 84%, meaning to date in this course I have scored a 93%, 82% and now 84%, I am naturally pleased given my lack of confidence in the speaking element.

onwards and upwards, I have no doubt my next Maths result will pale in comparison but at least I am trying which is everything imo.

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