Thursday 28 April 2011

Another update

Well roll on tomorrow and the official royal wedding, going to be a great day and for those non patriotic, shut yourselves away in your pathetic worlds and do us all a favour.

God bless our God, Our Royalty and Our Nation, let the envious and the jealous cease to trouble us no more, for those with a mandate for hatred, begone, for those who think England and its royals are the source of their miserable countries woes, stop it I may burst with laughter.

Enjoy it all!

Saturday 4 December 2010

A long over due update

Me at work with the Ambulance for St John

It seems as though an eternity has passed since my last post.

In that time I have returned to full time work as a teacher, and have a second job working for my local councillor.

I also still continue my active voluntary roles that have seen me garner promotion within St John and confirm a £500 grant for the BSL group I manage.

I also have my own official small business, something I always dreamed of. Not a massive turn over but enough pin money to keep me content.

The education continues and I find satisfaction in continually knowing I am self improving and take great pleasure by stating that I have inspired other family members to do likewise.

I pain still for those that have gone but have through such loss returned fully to my own beloved belief system.

The future is of note, I have just secured a place as a board member back on Stevenage Homes and plan yet more education regarding housing to fully cement my position.

I can also sadly update that I have been blighted and failed again by the medical profession, since an immunisation I have been left weaked, fatigued and generally of poor health.

This naturally has been a bitter blow, however I fight on now aware for a second time I must rebuild my own body painstakingly.

All then not bad for a disabled 40 year old from Hertfordshire.

Onwards indeed.................................................

Saturday 19 September 2009

One year ago on the 17th

My angel sent by god and then returned a whole year ago, lucky am I to have had an angel for even that small amount of time.

Yes one year ago on the 17th my little man past from this world, my pain is no less, just dulled with time. I miss him and my Jazz seemingly more and more each and every day.

However I still have my other babies and they bring me nothing but love, delight and friendship. I am indeed blessed to have had my Sweep and cannot forget that.

Other news I currently am beginning my level 2 BSL. My Diploma in teaching (DTLLS) begins on the 25th. My French begins the end of the month and I am at the first assignment for my CIH certificate in housing.

There seems to be no stopping me

Onwards, upwards with my God in my heart!

Thursday 13 August 2009

Level 1 BSL

Me looking all the world finally at one with myself

Yesssssss received my certificate and honestly am over joyed, onwards towards level 2 .

As for the teacher training well again progress is slow but sure, I am currently taking about an average of 8 sessions a week with the military and totally believe I have found my forte

Updates as and when

Upwards and still progressively onwards...........

Thursday 18 June 2009

Upwards it begins.........

My other beautiful baby Jazz cat. What will I do when she leaves to lay purring at gods feet ? Bless her in all ways she has been my friend and companion since we first got her in our lives.

Well teaching it seems has been the way forward now coupled with draatic shifts in the education to change the direction of my future career (Inclusive of a new element of politics and direct involvement at first local and then national level).

One may say I have changed the entire shape of my earliest plans and one would be very correct.

Currently the teaching I deliver is fantastic why I never went down this path before is now beyond me I excel at what I do, sickeningly though that would be to most people.

anyway I will update more info when I have more time.

My update for my cat is simple, very little time left for her. Currently though as comfortable as can be and I hope for a little while she maintains that level.

Onwards and sadly too often tinged with tears upwards.................

Sunday 12 April 2009

Easter and update

Happy Easter

So what has been happening since my last scrawling upon this blog? Well things thankfully change in the average humans life quite rapidly so my answer in short is alot has changed.

The longer more interesting version though involves some important changes in my education coupled with a plus. To start with I honestly hold my hands up and shout to the world I am out my comfort zone and depth with the level of Maths I was signed up for. I believe I can attain one of the courses, however I have through reasoned argument decided on scrapping the higher level and swapping the entire degree structure for one of an 'open' degree, as opposed to a Maths degree.

I also cite news that from my display via the PTLLS course I undertook I may have some work of sorts. Which is very good for me in many ways.

Other things of note; I proceed with my council services with a mind to import all knowledge gained towards a future political development, quite possibly I can attach myself to a political group soon and from there who knows where my future lie.

Anyway there it is the update of what I feel should be known, maybe not exciting, but alongside many other things I assure any reader that change of a massive proportion is occurring and a former Angry White Man is slowly but surely ready to start restoring his nation back unto those who truly own it.

Time will show if I am a success.

Onwards to Easter, oh British people of the true holy land where did your faith go, why did you allow cynical atheists and secularists to take what was good and great and destroy it before our eyes?

Even now the void is open and look what crap steps up to take Christianity place! Imported death cults from the desert who threaten, murder and oppress. All things we stand against and yet by our own liberal apologist sell outs we are now powerless to stop.

But Christ himself resurrected and I am certain while one true Englishman genuinely believes and cries to heaven this nation of god will again rise to the holy destiny it once promised. Christians everywhere should come together now while the threat is most dangerous and take down the evil that persists in our world. It is our duty under God, for Queen and country.


Onwards and naturally upwards indeed, watch this space.............

PS 25 years since my father passed on, not a day has passed where I do not still feel the loss in some way, add in my nan's anniversary for the same date and weaker men than me would collapse inwards and never come back from that horrid abyss.

But 25 years on I am a stronger man, I have ridden across the very hardest of deserts and come through challenged but not ever fully beaten. What does not break you indeed makes you stronger.

Friday 13 March 2009

An intresting start overall, almost life changing

Simply stunning

To grow in life once must first experience and then through reaction change to develop or in some instances regress, dependant upon the experience and the metal of the person.

To state I have denied my true self for years is an understatement, I claim no educational glory, I cite no physical wonder or insight beyond any other ordinary man, but I know I have denied myself being me and for many reasons.

But some things are worth a wait, not that the world would not have been ready for me, but certainly I was not quite ready to unleash upon the world, like all good metal it takes time to temper to what we require.

As such the journey of my life was to understate 'held up' somewhat, death itself has a habit of pausing multiple things, keeping its company so young indeed paused the development of the true me.

Throw in adaptation and devolution to the level of my Schools bestial peers and the ability to thus survive as such it is no small wonder that locating the genuine me among the multiple developed survivalist persona's has been a difficult feat.

How does one recognise the genuine self? It is the single moment of being when everything from one's demeanour, empowerment and even the speech fit like a glove, the very physical being we find ourselves 'radiating' from within is indeed the oldest of friends and once rediscovered is then held tight and unending like a lover, the embrace of self discovery, the meeting of two halves?

Indeed I estimate I actually was always there beneath the surface, the arrogance simply a manifestation of confidence as of yet unrefined the burst of Neanderthal aggression simply power in personality to be contained correctly yes self discovery is interesting to state the obvious.

And so where am I to date, well I plod on slowly through each course believing as much as I can that I will do my best and see what happens.

My political Ambition grows as I naturally through predatory instinct evaluate those in a peer position and find them adequate but something I believe I can better.

If all comes to fruition I stand to become the one thing my natural enemy of the apologist White liberal who sells out Britain because they know no better, yes welcome the angry white man, or is it now the tempered strong powerful white man? Who knows but assure thyself from this comes change, for all around.

For it should be so as god is my witness I shall defend the one true faith where others charged with that duty have neglected, I shall seek to do my best for God, Queen and Country as I was to understand my secondary duty was to be, and I shall see punished by means and ways as yet undefined all those who seek to and with contempt destroy the previous in my life, my Britain and my world.

For even good lady Justice carries the balance and the sword, no good is such things without power to make it so and power I shall achieve because through it I will become that which I was destined to be.

And we then come from the future back to the here and now it is good to report that to date all I have planned is coming to fruition and in many instances more than I could have expected. Shockingly it is amazing what one can do if one can just think and therein lies the potential for me.

updates as and when, I may not ever be the greatest mathematician or excel at anything academic, but I will one day be judged on how my mind lead me to the end of my plan, and I shall not be found lacking.

Onwards, Upwards and to the very top we must go