Sunday 27 April 2008

The importance of reflection

While we would all like to turn back time and change things past, I realise I cannot, so have to act now in the present to alter the future to my suiting!!!

Under Pressure I was, however despite all I followed some excellently sound advice and went away for the whole of Saturday, I went to the New Forest and whilst enjoying the Ponies, the Shetlands and their fouls and the four free range Donkeys who casually strolled into a village I had the chance to reflect.

And I am glad I did a few points I mulled and I finally came to the conclusion I had to change something.

The points mulled are as follows;

1) I have not still fully recovered physically from being so incredibly ill at Christmas (I feel so drained)

2) I have lost 1 month with my daughter home from Studying properly

3) I have lost 1 month (minimum) to illness

4) I have lost 1 and a half months with stupid inept council workers trashing my home under the banner of 'improving' it (thus adding to the stress prolonging my Illness)

5) I have at least 1 month to go of rebuilding my home from the aboves damage

Within this scenario I have to point out this is all time I should have been studying and studying hard, I currently am fully up to date with my Rundblicks German course having submitted my T.M.A.04 a few days prior. And I am ready to a point for the German G.C.S.E.

As such I have no worries at all about these language courses, shamefully I cannot say the same about MST121, to which I am now too far behind to play catch up!

As such tomorrow I will be asking the O.U. if I can 'interrupt' the study of this course to begin again hand in hand with MST221 in February (as it should be done) thus giving myself a fighting chance of taking on board the maths involved and thus actually 'beginning anew' as it should have been bar the above listed problems.

This I feel is the only way to :

a) Re-empower myself regards this subject.

b) Stop the decline of my health from the simply stress of playing catch up.

c) Stop any potential 'disheartened' feelings developing around the study I am currently committed to.

d) re-instate my study time table without interruption (the biggest problem I feel so far)

I naturally feel a bit dejected by having to choose this option, however situations really dictate I must follow this course of action to deliver the very best educationally and thus receive the grades reflecting this, with more importantly the actual Maths involved being learned by myself actually getting into this head of mine, something currently NOT happening.

Onwards and upwards with a slight pause then. Not the best outcome, but certainly the most sensible.

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